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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> mirror same monitor (horizontal flip) + merge monitor
mr.bryce   2010-08-07 00:38

i' ve been trying out ultramonitor and so far i m only using the smart taskbar function which is good enough.

there are two functionnalities i wish i could find in a software like ultramon :

- mirror same monitor
this is for planar and 3d setups, some applications that render 3d only offer dual output. i would like to be able to flip my second monitor horizontally.

- virtual monitor
merging the two monitor to offer exotic resolutions. for exemple if i have two 1920x1080 monitors, the system would only detect one single monitor with a resolution of 3840x1080. i m hoping this would help for games to run on dual screens.

i would buy such a software asap
Christian Studer   2010-08-07 11:00
1) UltraMon can mirror the primary monitor on the secondary and flip the image on the secondary, but if you want to keep the desktop extended to both monitors, and only flip the image on the secondary, you can't do this via UltraMon, this would need to be handled by the video card driver

2) Span mode would need to be implemented by the video card driver, UltraMon can't help with this

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> mirror same monitor (horizontal flip) + merge monitor

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