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MegrisVernin 2010-08-08 06:41
I'm using Ultramon to run screensavers on my desktop. I have a triple monitor setup. Ultramon currently recognizes all monitors when I try to configure screensavers. My current configuration has two of my monitors running screensaver programs "Hyperspace" and "solarWinds" and the last running "Photos". I have selected a folder with a number of images and Ultramon cycles through the various images in the preview window. Whenever my screensaver runs, however, only one picture appears and the program won't cycle through any others. The other two screensaver programs run just fine....but the slideshow feature just won't work.
Christian Studer 2010-08-08 09:17
Are you using Windows 7 or Vista? Unfortunately the Photos screen saver from those versions of Windows isn't compatible with UltraMon, I would recommend using a different slideshow screen saver instead, for example gPhotoShow.
Christian Studer -
MegrisVernin 2010-08-09 14:05
I'm using Windows 7
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