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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Mouse Wrapping
aksendz   2010-08-18 15:34
Is it possible to setup Ultramon so that if I...
X[monitor 1]=[monitor 2]X

if that is my setup, is it possible for my mouse to move of screen towards the 'x' in either direction and go to the other monitor.

so instead of just having the movement of the mouse where the equal sign is.

hopefully, that somehow...make sense.
ecarlson   2010-08-19 05:35
I used to have mouse wrapping enabled, on a single monitor, many many years ago, and only found it annoying, not useful. I don't know if it is available for multiple monitors.

- Eric
Christian Studer   2010-08-19 09:10
UltraMon doesn't support this, I also don't know if there's another application which does this.

Christian Studer -
derp   2011-11-12 17:28
If you could make a virtual monitor, then mirror it using ultramon?
Lyman   2012-01-14 04:54
The program "Actual Multiple Monitors" supports this.
C   2012-02-15 05:34
Look up synergy - I know it has this behaviour if your don't bother to setup a 2nd system (it is really meant for software sharing keyboard/mouse between 2 systems)
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Mouse Wrapping

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