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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Icon Positions not saved
Justa Guy   2010-08-23 05:08
This simply doesn't do what it says it does in this regard.

I can save my icon positions, and immediateley restore them, and they go to different places each time.

I don't have time to troubleshoot your app, I'm just saying- there's room for improvement.
Christian Studer   2010-08-23 10:28
Are you on Windows 7/Vista? If yes, this can happen if icon names start with the same character(s), a workaround for this should be in the next release.

Christian Studer -
john shaft   2010-08-26 23:54
can you elaborate? how many characters being the same creates this "issue"
Christian Studer   2010-08-27 07:51
A single character should be enough (both icons start with the same character) to trigger the issue.

Christian Studer -
Peter Boughton   2010-09-07 00:35
This is a very annoying bug - I frequently have similarly named software (e.g. "Lightroom" and "Lightroom 3 beta", or "Eclipse (CF)" and "Eclipse (Java)", and so on.

Having to put different characters at the front just to stop the icons jumping about is a pain.

Hope the next version with the fix comes soon.
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Icon Positions not saved

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