Gareth 2010-08-24 20:06
setup: (HTPC) Windows 7 64bit. GeForce 470. DVI to Desktop Monitor HDMI to TV
I am switching back and forth between 2 users. And the resolution is being loaded up properly from the profile as I switch between users, but the monitor settings are not.
Profile 1: rez: 1920x1080 displays: Duplicate these displays
Profile 2: rez: 1920x1200 displays: Show desktop only on 2
So what happens is. The resolution changes correctly, but the display setting stays to whatever I last set it to be by hand.
Is this issue known? I couldn't locate it in the forums. This is basically the use I needed for the software...
Christian Studer 2010-08-25 08:29
Profile 1 won't work with UltraMon, you can't switch the video card to clone mode via UltraMon. Profile 2 should work fine.
Christian Studer -
Gareth 2010-08-25 11:47
I changed the "duplicate display" setting to show only screen #1 and the change between the two is working now.
But that makes the HTPC setup almost the same level of difficult.
The problem is as follows... The HTPC is in the office, connected to the livingroom TV through the wall. So if anything is off-screen in the livingroom, someone would have to go into the office and move it to the other display.
Is there any sort of solution for this that people are using? I'm sure many people have the same physical setup that I have. Having a user-friendly non-dedicated HTPC seems to be the hardest thing to do right now :)
Christian Studer 2010-08-26 10:02
Do you have applications which still open on the other monitor even though it isn't enabled?
Christian Studer -
Gareth 2010-08-26 14:18
Well that's the problem...
Lets say I switch to the living room being enabled only. I watch a movie, turn the tv off and go to bed. Then the next day I sit down in the office, and am unable to login to the computer, because I have to go into the living room and switch users, so that the office display is activated.
And then the opposite situation is true as well...
Christian Studer 2010-08-27 07:34
If both monitors had the same resolution you could permanently use clone mode, but otherwise I don't think there's an ideal solution.
One thing you could do: assign a hotkey to the ToggleSingleMon script, then log in blindly and press the hotkey to switch to the other monitor.
Christian Studer -