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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Enable taskbar buttons reordering
TomClancy   2010-08-31 02:02
Enable taskbar buttons reordering - mark it to be able to drag buttons on taskbars (both primary and secondary) with the mouse.

Enable tray icons reordering - to be able to drag icons in notification areas (both primary and secondary) with the mouse.
Christian Studer   2010-08-31 08:27
Thanks for your suggestions, will be considered for a future release.

Christian Studer -
Peter Boughton   2010-09-07 00:31
I'd like to second this request.

Before Win7 had it added in, I used software to make it work with WinXP, but always annoying not being able to re-order on UltraMon (without doing silly shuffling across monitors).

Please do add re-ordering to Smart Taskbar.
NKX   2010-09-07 13:43
I concur. This feature would be great. Not essential, but great.

I am very picky and have all my main applications open on specific windows, with items in a specific order. if I need to close an application, I want to put it back in the same spot, not at the end. I currently do a window shuffle (or close and re-open the applications). This feature would help a LOT.

Combine this with the aero-peek thumbnails and you'd be my hero.
Stefan   2010-09-22 22:14
I concur also.
I find it difficult to quickly find a shortcut to an open application on the SmartTab, because the order of the shortcuts is never the same while on the Windows 7 taskbar, i reordered all icons in a way which is always familiar.

Because of that i am hardly using the SmartTab at the moment.
Nathan Reed   2010-10-01 04:14
Another vote for this feature. I too like to keep my windows in a specific order, but if an app needs to be restarted or hangs briefly it tends to go to the end of the line. Windows 7 lets you reorder apps on its native taskbar. It would be great if we could do it on the Ultramon taskbar too!
Francesco   2010-10-23 06:17
I'm waiting for this :)

I'm currenlty using another application toghether with UltraMon that does this, Taskbar Shuffle, but sometimes UltraMon crashes and I don't know if it's because of Taskbar Shuffle.
Christian Studer   2010-10-23 07:43
Francesco, the issue is related to Taskbar Shuffle, but it's probably an issue with UltraMon. Unfortunately I never found out what exactly causes this, currently the plan is to add support for this in UltraMon.

Christian Studer -
Tim De Roeck   2010-11-15 21:00
Another vote from me!
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Enable taskbar buttons reordering

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