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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual monitors.
Herbert   2010-08-31 18:52
Hi all.

The image on my PC monitor flashes onto the screen of my second monitor (the TV) for just a second before the TV screen goes blank again.

The DIN cable is connected from the PC to a DVD Player/Recorder, which is connected to my TV.

When I scroll the DVD through settings L4 > L3 > L2 > L1 - the image flashes when I reach L1.

Taped video images from a VCR which I have connected to this DVD Player/Recorder show up fine on the TV screen.

Thanks for any help.
Herbert   2010-09-02 19:45
Please disregard the above post.

After three days of fiddling around without any success, it's with some relief that I've now uninstalled Ultramon from my computer.

I'm hoping to find an alternative that doesn't require a PhD to simply configure the setup for dual monitoring.
ecarlson   2010-09-04 04:20
FYI: The ability to use multiple monitors is entirely on the video card(s), driver(s) and OS (and also the motherboard and BIOS, since that ties everything together).

You should get it all working correctly before installing UltraMon, because UltraMon is for adding additional functionality to an already working multi-monitor system.

- Eric
Herbert   2010-09-04 09:07
Thanks for that helpful tip.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual monitors.

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