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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2nd monitor out of order, application trying to open on it
Mary P. Reeves   2010-09-07 03:43
I have dual monitors and 1 of them is out of order, but I have a new one coming. I have gone into properties and disabled the 2nd one and made my 1st monitor the primary with no carry over, but I have an application that is still trying to open on the 2nd one. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I capture it on my main monitor?

Mary P. Reeves
Nobody Speshul   2010-09-07 05:46
Well, assuming you have Windows, and assuming you can see the application on your taskbar, right-click the application on the toolbar. Select Move. This will highlight the window you can't see. Use your Left or Right Arrow key on your keyboard to start moving the window. You can continue holding the arrow key or, while holding the arrow key, use your mouse to finish making the move. Try on a window on the visible screen if you've never done it before.

"Say Nope to Dope and Ugh to Drug" kiddies
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2nd monitor out of order, application trying to open on it

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