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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Recommended Virtual Monitor software to use with Ultramon
Nicholas   2010-09-19 11:29
I want to use a virtual windows program with Ultramon.
e.g. I have 4 virtual screens, each consisting of my 2 monitors.
I tried using Dexpot but I suspect it's incompatible, I had all kinds of weird issues.

Surprisingly I couldn't find any recommendations here, and I would have thought this was a common requirement.

Can anybody suggest a Virtual Windows product that is known to work perfectly well with Ultramon?
Christian Studer   2010-09-20 11:28
I can't give you a recommendation as I haven't tested this recently, but one issue usually was that the UltraMon taskbars weren't available on secondary desktops. To fix this you had to configure them to be visible on all desktops (if supported by the virtual desktop manager).

Christian Studer -
Gerhard   2010-10-13 00:35
I use VirtuaWin 4.3 without problems.

Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Recommended Virtual Monitor software to use with Ultramon

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