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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Taskbar no longer always on top
steve   2010-09-27 00:46
i'm having the "always on top" issue. it works for a bit, then an application becomes "always on top". i then minimize all the applications on that monitor (i have 4), then right click the task bar, and even thought "Yes" is indicated, i click it again, and it works for a little while longer. fyi, here is my system info:

4 monitors
Current desktop: 6400x1200 (-4800,0 - 1600,1200)

Monitor 1 - L985EX:
Settings: 1600x1200, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: -4800,0 - -3200,1200. Workspace: -4800,0 - -3200,1172
Video card: ATI Radeon HD 4550
Device: \\.\DISPLAY1\Monitor0

Monitor 2 - L985EX (primary):
Settings: 1600x1200, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: 0,0 - 1600,1200. Workspace: 0,0 - 1600,1172
Video card: ATI Radeon HD 4550
Device: \\.\DISPLAY2\Monitor0

Monitor 3 - L985EX:
Settings: 1600x1200, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: -3200,0 - -1600,1200. Workspace: -3200,0 - -1600,1172
Video card: ATI Radeon HD 4550
Device: \\.\DISPLAY3\Monitor0

Monitor 4 - L985EX:
Settings: 1600x1200, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: -1600,0 - 0,1200. Workspace: -1600,0 - 0,1200
Video card: ATI Radeon HD 4550
Device: \\.\DISPLAY4\Monitor0

Christian Studer   2010-09-27 06:48
Which version of UltraMon and Windows are you using?

Did you notice anything which seems to cause the problem, for example launching a specific application, changing a system setting, etc?

Christian Studer -
Steve   2010-09-27 06:59
3.0.10 64-bit
windows 7 64bit

i haven't noticed a paricular activity/program, etc. that causes it to stop working. i should say i'm using the "always on top" in conjunction with the "auto-hide".
Christian Studer   2010-09-28 11:19
I'm not sure what might cause this, setting Always on Top to Yes again should have no effect.

Please test the following: when you get this the next time, bring up the UltraMon taskbar as before, then right-click it but don't select anything from the menu. Now bring up the applications again and check if the UltraMon taskbar is again on top, meaning you can show it by moving the mouse to the edge with the taskbar.

Christian Studer -
steve   2010-10-18 04:50
sorry for the late reply - yes it turns out clicking anywhere on the taskbar returns it's state to be "on top".
Christian Studer   2010-10-18 11:08
Are you using an application which is on top of other windows? Maybe that's what causes the issue.

Christian Studer -
steve   2010-10-19 06:48
there is no setting on those applications that allow me to control "on top" - and +90% of the time they are not "on top" of the task bar - and i can't seem to figure out how to replicate the issue.
Christian Studer   2010-10-19 10:09
When you get this the next time, please run WndZOrder.exe and send me the generated log file to or post the contents here.

Christian Studer -
DoA   2010-10-24 23:52
I have exactly the same problems as Steve describes. I also run ultramon 3.0.10 64-bit and Windows 7 64bit.
Have you found out anything more about this error?
Christian Studer   2010-10-25 08:26
Not yet, if you would like to troubleshoot this further please run WndZOrder.exe when you get this the next time (see above for the link) and send me the generated log file.

Christian Studer -
DL   2011-01-11 08:12
I have the same issue.
3.1.0 32-bit
Windows XP

I don't notice any pattern either. When the taskbar is hidden, if I resize the taskbar and then Maximize the windows that were blocking it, the taskbar is on top. However, the maximized windows actually expand to fill the entire screen size so that the taskbar is blocking their bottom edge.

I ran WndZOrder twice. First while the taskbar was hidden and then again after I had resized it and it was on top.


(UltraMonWndExtInproc) 0x000D08B8
LM25116.pdf (SECURED) - Adobe Acrobat (AcrobatSDIWindow) 0x000B04AE
(UltraMonDeskTaskBar) 0x00020278 topmost
Altium Designer Summer 09 - D:\ArrayPS\Supply.SchDoc - ArrayPS.PrjPCB. Licensed to First RF Corporation. Not signed in. (TDocumentForm) 0x001F05D6
(UltraMonWndExtInproc) 0x0009051C
AN-1617.pdf (SECURED) - Adobe Acrobat (AcrobatSDIWindow) 0x00060346
(UltraMonWndExtInproc) 0x001A0ADA
Realtime Soft Forum - Mozilla Firefox 4.0 Beta 8 (MozillaWindowClass) 0x01A70A8C
dxp (TApplication) 0x006C03D2
(UltraMonWndExtInproc) 0x00750E44
TempCoefficients.pdf - Adobe Acrobat (AcrobatSDIWindow) 0x00590E10
(UltraMonWndExtInproc) 0x000102CE
Inbox - Microsoft Outlook (rctrl_renwnd32) 0x00030290
(Shell_TrayWnd) 0x0002011A topmost
Components Characteristic Viewer - Windows Internet Explorer (IEFrame) 0x00110F6E
Program Manager (Progman) 0x00030272

On Top:

(UltraMonDeskTaskBar) 0x00020278 topmost
(Shell_TrayWnd) 0x0002011A topmost
(UltraMonWndExtInproc) 0x000D08B8
LM25116.pdf (SECURED) - Adobe Acrobat (AcrobatSDIWindow) 0x000B04AE
(UltraMonWndExtInproc) 0x001A0ADA
Realtime Soft Forum - Mozilla Firefox 4.0 Beta 8 (MozillaWindowClass) 0x01A70A8C
Altium Designer Summer 09 - D:\ArrayPS\Supply.SchDoc - ArrayPS.PrjPCB. Licensed to First RF Corporation. Not signed in. (TDocumentForm) 0x001F05D6
(UltraMonWndExtInproc) 0x0009051C
AN-1617.pdf (SECURED) - Adobe Acrobat (AcrobatSDIWindow) 0x00060346
dxp (TApplication) 0x006C03D2
(UltraMonWndExtInproc) 0x00750E44
TempCoefficients.pdf - Adobe Acrobat (AcrobatSDIWindow) 0x00590E10
(UltraMonWndExtInproc) 0x000102CE
Inbox - Microsoft Outlook (rctrl_renwnd32) 0x00030290
Components Characteristic Viewer - Windows Internet Explorer (IEFrame) 0x00110F6E
Program Manager (Progman) 0x00030272

I hope that's helpful.
Christian Studer   2011-01-11 09:16
DL, thanks for the logs, doesn't seem to be an issue with the UltraMon taskbar. In the hidden log, both the UltraMon taskbar (UltraMonDeskTaskBar) and the main taskbar (Shell_TrayWnd) are no longer at the top, even though they're still set to be topmost.

I'm not sure if this is a Windows issue, or if it's caused by an application. Let me know if you find out anything new.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Taskbar no longer always on top

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