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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> [feature request] pointer control
v43   2010-10-07 08:24
i'm suggesting the developement of two new features i'd really like to see implemented soon:

1. when moving a window to the next screen, the mouse pointer is moved too. ie if the window slides of 1280 pixels to the right, so do the pointer.

2. improvement of the "lock mouse to primary monitor" feature:
- lock to any monitor
- instead of lock, snap: set a delay on the movement of the pointer when it reaches the edge. lets say the pointer is moving left to right and reaches the edge of the first monitor, then it wont go any further to the left for a given time (say 500-1000 ms). if when the timer expires the mouse is still moving towards left, the the pointer shall proceed in the second monitor.. and so at every edge. this could be further improved by evaluating the speed at which the pointer approaches the edge: if it's really fast then it wont be stopped, if it's slow then the pointer snapping engages.
"slow", "fast" and the delay should be customizable.

wouldn't it be great? :D
v43   2010-10-07 08:29
one more thing..

3. ultramon remembers the position of the opened windows and applications (so that i can get rid of hydravision!)
Christian Studer   2010-10-07 09:22
Thanks for your suggestions, will be considered for a future release.

Regarding #3: UltraMon already supports something similar, you can configure position settings for an application shortcut, to set this up right-click the shortcut, select Properties from the menu, then select the UltraMon - Window tab and configure settings as desired.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> [feature request] pointer control

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