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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Fullscreen Games using Dual monitor.
Brian   2010-10-11 09:04
Hello everyone, i recently got myself a second monitor and i am gonna try some dual monitoring!
I have a problem however. i need a program that with a hotkey can move the mouse to the second monitor and back again while playing a fullscreen game on the primary monitor.
I did try to bind a hotkey to switch the cursor from the primary monitor to the second monitor using UltraMon, i did not work while playing a fullscreen game :(

Did i do anything wrong? or are there other methods i can use?

I would love to get this working, since it makes it sooo much easier to switch from playing a fullscreen game to check your messenger/email/youtube on the second monitor without having to Alt+Tab.

Thank you in advance!
derp   2011-11-12 16:57
Its a limitation of windows, currently not possible in ultramon.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Fullscreen Games using Dual monitor.

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