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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> How can I setup a gap between my two monitors
Ian Bennett   2010-10-14 13:09

Let me explain:
I have two monitors:
1024 x 768 and 800 x 480

With windows 7, if I set monitor2 below monitor1 it will start at: 1025, 0
I want it to start lower at: 1325, 0 for example

how can I do this ??
This will allow me to hide the frame around the software I am running on monitor2.

Christian Studer   2010-10-15 08:25
This won't work, Windows requires each monitor to be connected to another monitor.

One thing you could try is to resize the window and position it so that the frame is out of view.

Christian Studer -
Ian Bennett   2010-11-30 10:38

Thanks, there must be a way to do it,

like editing a setting in windows, or having a 'simulated screen' the would take the gap

Any suggestions


Ian Bennett
Darker   2011-02-22 16:26
I'm sure this IS possible, but maybe you need
additional software. If you could manage to add a
third monitor (maybe virtual) to the right, you
could set up the following:

GAP|3| <- virtual Monitor

I have 3 real Monitors and it is indeed possible
to arrange two monitors freely as long as they
are somehow connected to some other monitor,
in this case the third one on the right.

Maybe there's a software that can even add an
Monitor with non-standard resolutions like
1280 * 100 which would perfectly fit the gap
desired? The risk would be to "lose" small
windows in the gap :D
Chris   2011-03-07 15:59
ATI (amd)'s Catalyst control center on their newer cards that support "Eyefinity" do allow for virtual gapping of monitors to compensate for the Bezel. As for doing it outside of this? I've never seen a system that works correctly.

I wish you luck!

- Chris
"The little woman won't let me have any more monitors. Sigh."
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> How can I setup a gap between my two monitors

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