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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Question that never asked before (Application-Menus on Main Monitor needed)
Erbemusic   2010-10-16 06:50

didn´t find this problem in any thread here, so i hope that somebody solved it in the past.

I use 3x24" Monitors for e.g. Audio and Composing and all application move the Programm-Menus to the left Monitor. But the main working area is at the main Monitor (the middle). So i want to remove the Programm Menu to the middle Monitor, cause the handling will be more effecitve and easier, if your menus are placed near to your working space.

Does anybody know a workaround or a tool that can handle that issue?

Thanks a lot
Christian Studer   2010-10-16 07:26
As a workaround you could set the leftmost monitor as primary, usually this will fix the problem. The issue is that monitors to the left of the primary use negative screen coordinates, which is a problem for some applications.

You could still place your main taskbar on the middle monitor.

Christian Studer -
Erbemusic   2010-10-16 08:41
hmm, not sure if i describe the problem correct.

e.g. if i use a software like cubase and fit the complete program-space over all monitors. Than the composing area is on the middle monitor and the menues from the programm were placed on the top of the left monitor.

so if i want to edit something and need to go the menu, i have to go from the middle monitor a long way to the upper left side of the left monitor.

So, my result should be, to have the menus also on the middle monitor, don´t need to take the long way
to the upper-left side.

hope this explanation is understandable.

ecarlson   2010-10-16 13:16
If you're talking about the application's own menus, then I think it would be entirely upon the developers of that particular application to implement a feature like that.

Perhaps you could create a custom toolbar (within the application) with the menu items you want, and move that to the center monitor, assuming the application supports custom toolbars.

- Eric
Erbemusic   2010-10-16 22:11
yes, that could be one way. Another way could be, that someone has made a tool for "beaming" the application-menues to the center monitor or to any other of the connected Displays.

does anyone have another idea?

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Question that never asked before (Application-Menus on Main Monitor needed)

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