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Gijs 2010-10-20 08:27
We recently bought UltaMon. Works great!!
In our case we have 1 pc with 5 monitors. With Ultramon we created 5 shortcuts to show 5 different powerpoint slide shows. One powerpoint show for each monitor. So far so good. each monitor has it's own slideshow.
But now the problem: only on the monitor which has the focus (our is active) the slideshow loops through the slides. The other four slideshow freeze. They don't rotate trough their slides.
When e.g. i click with the mouse on monitor 2 the slideshow on 2 starts to play. The other 4 don't rotate the slides. Hen i now click on monitor 4, that slideshow starts to play and de rest doese nothing.
Each slide show has to slides and each slide changes every then seconds.
Some how i have to use VBS to change the focus from monitor 1 to 2, and than to 3, and then to 4 and so on. It has to have some delay so every show has time to show it's slides.
I have tried some of the example VBS scripts but could not get it to work.
Can some one point me in the right direction or show me some code?
Christian Studer 2010-10-20 10:03
If the file names of the 5 slideshows are always the same you could do this with a custom script, but I would recommend taking a look at PowerShow, this enables you to run multiple slideshows concurrently.
If you're still interested in the script let me know. Glad to hear you like UltraMon!
Christian Studer -
Gijs 2010-10-20 17:59
Hi Christian,
The names are always the same (1.ppt, 2.ppt, 3.ppt, 4.ppt, 5.ppt). I really want to use only UltraMon, as we use other functions of UltraMon as well.
I have been playing around with some code of the ActivateApp script in your Scripts-Libary.
Const WND_CAPTION = "PowerPoint Viewer 2007 - [1.ppt]"
Set sh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
sh.AppActivate WND_CAPTION
The above code has to cycle through the screens some how with a delay of e.g. 2 seconds.
I hope you can get me started...
Christian Studer 2010-10-21 08:10
I have uploaded a script which does this: ActivateApps. You can enter the window captions on the first line, and the interval on the second line.
Christian Studer -
Gijs 2010-10-21 17:36
Hi Christian,
I've set up your app and it works like a charm.
UltraMon rulezz! Keep up the good work!
Thanx for your quick replys
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