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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Taskbar is on 2nd Monitor I need to lock it to Primary on All Users
Raymond Tomlinson   2010-10-20 23:44
I have XP with 5 family user accounts.
My 2nd monitor is our Sony TV.

I want to use the TV as an extended desktop but after a reboot the taskbar and start menu only appear on the TV on some of the user accounts.

I know how to unlock it and track it back and lock it again, but it always moves after a restart. This is a real pain if the family are watching TV.

Is there a way to lock it all the time for all users to the primary monitor?

Any help most welcome, many many thanks.

Raymond Arthur James Tomlinson
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Taskbar is on 2nd Monitor I need to lock it to Primary on All Users

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