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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Move Window button sends to wrong window
SPG   2010-10-21 06:04
I have a 3 monitor setup running on an XP Laptop, the monitors are configured left to right as: 3, 2, 1 (1 is the Laptop).

My problem is that I have an excel window open maximized on monitor 3, and want to send it maximized to monitor 2. What its doing, as I carefully click the [ 2 ] monitor from the application's title bar, is send it to window 1. Then if I repeat this on the same excel window, not on monitor 1, and click send to monitor [ 2 ], it then correctly shows up on monitor 2.

I've had this happen to me a few times randomly in the past, but very consistently today.
Christian Studer   2010-10-21 08:13
Which version of UltraMon are you using?

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Move Window button sends to wrong window

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