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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Question for Christan and all Ultramon Users with TV Tuners
Klaus   2010-10-28 02:55
After some time, now that Eyefinity is out, I find rather intriguing that big names in TV tuners are still silent in transition to old primary/secondary adapter limitations.

Leadtek confirmed once Eyefinity was available, they would gladly consider dealing with this obstacle. But so far; I haven’t learned about one card from their present offer capable of such task.

Hauppauge I remember, they had 2 models capable of somewhat capable usage with multi screens. Avermedia makes great drivers and last year they only said how they are considering making their products more ready in that direction. AIW is ad acta sadly, and no need to even mention the same. I doubt AMD will even consider waking this line again as new products.

So now with 58x series and new 6x from AMD, I just wonder, all of you Eyefinity users with TV tuners and several screens. :

What TV tuner cards and models are now in 2010., capable of dealing with several screens and really Eyefinity ready? I mean those capable of driving Tuner screen across all 3 screens (general 58x capable from 3 to more) and using benefits of their three (or more) independent display controllers and video overlays as well.

Believe it or not, but nobody made such list of tuners, and to best of my knowledge, no testing site made any attempt to clear this rather interesting bonus. Since this forum is mostly occupied by people with at least 2-3 monitors, surely there are enough of you who could provide some concrete data based on this topic. Even with Eyefinity, old habits die hard. I still have the same habit of keeping at least two graphic cards in my machines, but I seriously doubt there is such TV tuner out there, capable of working on two physical cards. But, enough with that. Thank you for you patience and please let us know of your present firsthand experience with this matter.

Martin   2010-11-08 07:00
I remember similar questions posted before. But I guess this topic is unfortunately not very interesting for Christian. This is forum about Ultramon and Ultramon only. So you should ask this question elsewhere. All I can tell you on topic is that maybe you are looking in wrong direction? You have so many free NET TV programs and those that charge their services are really not much expensive. You can then watch that TV programs in your browser on any monitor you have. If you have 8 monitors, you can send this browser on any of them and it works! I’m doing this where I work and it works without any problems. All you need is a decent DSL connection but that is already covered even in most moderate DSL service. Speaking of ATI, TV Wonder offers you ability to log on your PC and home and use their TV tuner on any other machine. So you can have one monitor on your work or home, and watch the same programs in place where you have several monitors. No issues with hardware of video overlay - it just works.

Hope this helps
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Question for Christan and all Ultramon Users with TV Tuners

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