Trevor R Bird 2010-11-07 13:48
I have 3 displays which Ultramon "Display Settings" shown in the following positions:
3 (Display on computer 2) - 2 (VGA Display connected to Laptop and - 1 (Laptop display).
I want thedisplays positioned as 2-1-3 and when I move display 3 to the desired position and click "Apply", the dispalys revert to their original positions.Ultramon refuses to lock the new display positions. How do I resolve this problem?
Trevor R Bird
Christian Studer 2010-11-08 08:26
Are you using MaxiVista and Windows 7?
Christian Studer -
Trevor R Bird 2010-11-08 13:07
I'm using MaxiVista v4.0.11 on my laptop running Windows 7 Ultimate. My second computer with display 3 on it is running Windows XP SP3
Trevor R Bird
Christian Studer 2010-11-09 05:51
UltraMon currently can't change settings for MaxiVista monitors on Windows 7, support for this will be in the next release. You should be able to position the monitor via MaxiVista settings.
Christian Studer -
Trevor R Bird 2010-11-09 10:41
Hi Christian,
Thanks for your advice, I can set the monitor positions with Maxi-Vista.
Trevor R Bird