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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Cannot Shuffle on Smart Taskbar with Windows 7 64-bit
Harmeet Tatla   2010-11-08 21:56
Windows 7 lets you shuffle items on the taskbar (change the order items appear on the taskbar using click and drag)

However with Ultramon duel monitors and Smart-Taskbar the items wont shuffle on the 2nd monitors Task bar

is this just a limitation or is there a fix?


H. Tatla
Christian Studer   2010-11-09 05:58
Currently that's not supported, support for this will be considered for a future release.

Christian Studer -
Thomas Thomassen   2010-12-20 22:12
Would be nice to see this feature. As well as the thumbnail flyouts and smart menu.
cyruz   2010-12-22 01:01
Definitely, those addons would make UltraMon perfect. Thanks for the recent update, hope there will be more. Merry Christmas.
Jay   2010-12-27 07:57
also what would make ultramon more prefect, is having your windows 7 64 bit theme transfer across the Smart taskbar. It looks goofy to have a color scheme on one monitors taskbar and not the other one.

Thanks, Jay
Christian Studer   2010-12-27 08:01
Jay, this should work fine, which version of UltraMon are you using? Only 3.0.6 and later support Windows 7.

Christian Studer -
Kenn   2011-01-05 17:26
I would also like to add my vote to this feature!

Betty   2011-01-24 06:57
I'll add my vote to others for this feature.
John   2011-01-26 23:10
One more up vote for shuffle along with thumbnail flyouts and smart menu.
Marc   2011-02-01 20:24
And another vote for the shuffling and fly-out thumbnails.

This program would be 100% P-E-R-F-E-C-T if these options existed !!!
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Cannot Shuffle on Smart Taskbar with Windows 7 64-bit

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