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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Watching streaming video full screen on second monitor
Horace Steenblatter   2010-11-12 11:37
I would like to watch streaming video full screen on my second monitor while still being able to type in the area displayed on the first monitor. For example right now I'm watching on my second monitor while typing this post in a web browser shown on my first monitor. But once I click anything on the first monitor, the full screen on the second monitor switches back to the smaller view. Is there any way to force the second monitor to remain in full screen? Thank you.
ecarlson   2010-11-14 03:02
That all depends on the program used to play the video.

- Eric,
Ralph   2010-11-15 13:01
I'm tryin to do the same thing as this guy and have the same problem. its not player dependent either.
ecarlson   2010-11-16 13:57
Some video player apps have a setting to allow playing full screen to the second monitor. If your app does, then it should work fine while you are using other apps on the main screen.

What apps and settings have you tried so far?

- Eric
Horace Steenblatter   2011-02-04 20:28
The main one I am trying to use is streaming video from ESPN3, which I believe uses a, proprietary flash player. Usually when I watch streaming video I simply put the URL into VLC and can resize VLC to the appropriate size, but the ESPN3 URL does not seem to play in VLC. I was hoping there was some way for monitor 2 to ignore anything I type in monitor 1 but I imagine that's dependent on the player from what you've told me.
Anon   2011-02-10 04:20
I have the same problem. You can sort of do it by playing in VLC and hiding the taskbar on that monitor.
None   2011-02-10 22:36
Theres various patches like ignoflash patch to do this. Flash was updated to 10.2 a few days ago though and now does it natively.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Watching streaming video full screen on second monitor

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