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Forums -> UltraMon™ SDK -> vr920
maddma   2010-11-13 11:29
i am the "proud" owner of a vr920; i am also a code-scribe. i imagined ultramon might be a path to enlightment regarding issues i recently aquired. vr920 is a third (VGA) display device, which i wish to be able to programatically enable after having disabled a specific one of my two currently active monitors. EnumDiplayDevices() does not seem to list the vr920, although it does list the two active monitors, and three virtual display devices with meaningless names (what are these i am wondering?). whilst controlpanel/display does show all 3 possible "monitors", ultramon only shows the two active displays, and seems not to be aware of the tertiary.
unless some one in the field area can help, i will have to resort to invoking cp/display and sending messages to the (one-i-have-identified-them!) controls of its app window.
very basic.
please assist ?

dmea ;-!
(shmo king)
Christian Studer   2010-11-14 07:33
Are you on Windows 7 and the 3 displays are connected to the same video card? If yes, you'll be able to do this with the next release of UltraMon (both via the Display Settings dialog and the UltraMon COM objects). If you want to do this manually take a look at the new SetDisplayConfig API function.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ SDK -> vr920

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