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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Second monitor in another room.....
Lasse   2010-11-16 06:08
Hi all! We try to find a solution for the following problem:

(Windows XP SP3)

We have 2 monitors, lets call them MonA & MonB.

MonA is situated next to the computer.
MonB is actually a 46" led-tv, connected with HDMI, and placed in another room (not visible from the computer)

Now, we need to work with application1 on Mon1 while displaying application2 in fullscreen on MonB..., on the local MonA, we maximize application2 and send it over to MonB.

How on earth do we, from the computer, get applicationB back to MonA again in order to close it down for instance???

Many thanks in advance....

Lasse in Ludvika
Christian Studer   2010-11-16 09:40
If you just need to close it you could right-click the application's taskbar button and close it via the menu.

Moving it back to the other monitor could be done via UltraMon, when right-clicking the application's taskbar button you'll have a menu entry to move the application to the other monitor.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Second monitor in another room.....

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