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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Minimize All Screens on Current Monitor
Sam   2010-11-19 05:03
Is there a way to minimize all screens on the monitor that your computer is currently focused on? (ie. the internet explorer screen that's highlighed in dark blue at the top). There is a feature that allows you to minimize all screens that the mouse is currently on. Is there a way to minimize all screens that the computer is currently focused on?
Christian Studer   2010-11-19 10:06
Currently that's not supported, but you would be able to do this with the next release, 3.1.0, and a custom script. 3.1.0 supports enumerating all open windows via scripting, the script could then determine the monitor with the active window, and minimize all windows on that monitor.

Christian Studer -
Owen   2010-12-02 00:23
when is 3.1.0 scheduled to be released?

Also, with 3.1.0 can you write a script that will do like a screen/desktop swap?

For example, let's say you have 2 monitors, monitor A and B. You open 2 IE windows on A and 1 IE on monitor B. Can a script be written to move the 2 IE windows from monitor A to monitor B. Then also move the 1 IE that started on monitor B to monitor A. Essentially swapping all windows between monitors A and B.

Christian Studer   2010-12-02 08:01
Should be ready mid December. Screen swap will work fine, with the new window collection you should be able to do pretty much every window management task.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Minimize All Screens on Current Monitor

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