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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Features suggestion
Saliman   2010-11-19 13:13

I would like to suggest four new features for your awesome software, that I think might help a lot of users:

* A show desktop button on the smart taskbar, that will minimize all the windows on that specific monitor.

* Allowing the addition of toolbars (like the quick launch toolbar) to the smart taskbar on the other monitors.

* Preventing an annoying issue: when you have an application that runs on a full screen on one monitor and then you click somewhere on the other monitor, the full-screen application loses focus and gets minimized (or if for example you watched a youtube video, it exits full-screen mode).

* Application based mouse lock: some video games don't know how to work with multiple monitors and allow moving the mouse beyond the borders of the game, onto the other monitor(s). This may be annoying as it causes the issue I mentioned above and it also makes you lose focus on the game. You should make a feature that detects certain .exe files by the user's selection and when these executable are running, will lock the mouse cursor to only one screen.

I wish to say again that your software is awesome, and it saves me a lot of time and nerves :)

Christian Studer   2010-11-20 03:18
Thanks for your suggestions, glad to hear you like UltraMon.

1 and 2 are supported in version 3 of UltraMon, right-click the taskbar to access those features. Please note that the regular Quick Launch won't work with UltraMon, but you could use the True Launch Bar instead.

I don't think there's a fix for 3, but not all fullscreen applications have this problem, for example Windows Media Player will stay in fullscreen mode even if it doesn't have the focus.

For 4 there is already a similar feature, you can lock the mouse to the primary monitor via hotkey. You would need to press the hotkey before launching the game though. Hotkeys can be configured under UltraMon Options > Hotkeys.

Christian Studer -
John   2010-12-07 21:58
On the third item: It is a flash player problem that is independent of ultramon. Do a search on "flash full-screen" and you should get some hits that talk about how to patch flash to get it to stay full-screen when it looses focus. I did this when watching the world cup. Made working and watching much better
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Features suggestion

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