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Forums -> UltraMon™ SDK -> ultramonlib-
Kirk   2010-11-20 11:59
Hi, I have a very basic question- I'm entirely new to both Windows programming and Ultramon... I'm trying to tweak some existing C# code so that it launches a program in a second monitor. I have added a "using ULTRAMONLib" directive to the beginning of the code but I'm getting an error that "the type or namespace 'ULTRAMONLib' could not be found". Where is the Ultramon library, how can I refer to it, or how can I install it? I'm using windows 7 64 bit, and I have visual studio 2010 installed. Thanks!

Kirk   2010-11-20 12:15
whoops, I figured it out. Sorry, this stuff is really foreign to me, I was making it more complicated than I needed to.
Forums -> UltraMon™ SDK -> ultramonlib-

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