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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> wallpaper refresh issue.
jason   2010-12-09 10:57
I have display TV's in stores. They use ultramon 3.
I want to be able to push updates to all stores via ftp. I have a script that downloads the new file(the file name stays the same), but when the file is replaced, ultramon's display does not change. Even after a reset, and after using ultramondesktop.exe \refresh.

Any help would be appreciated.
Christian Studer   2010-12-10 07:46
/refresh will only update the wallpaper if display settings have changed, and /load will only load it if it isn't already loaded.

There are two ways to do this:

- use a different file name for the new wallpaper, and load it using the /load switch for UltraMonDesktop.exe

- delete the CurrentWallpaper registry value under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Realtime Soft\UltraMon\<version>\Wallpaper, then reload the wallpaper with /load

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> wallpaper refresh issue.

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