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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 6 monitors - wrong positions
Billy G   2010-12-09 15:05
I have six monitors running 1920x1080P,
and have them up and running and they
should span to the left. The problem is
the placement of monitors, they identify
as 4,8,6,7,5,3 and should be 8,7,6,5,4,3.
I have tried moving them in settings under
the display properties and that did not work.
I have moved wiring and different ports on the
usb 8 port hub, still comes up the same way.I
am running an HP laptop with 6 HP usb-to-dvi
adaptors on Win-Xp SP3.

billy g
Christian Studer   2010-12-10 07:49
Did you try to position the monitors via Windows Display Properties or via UltraMon (UltraMon menu > Display Settings)?

Christian Studer -
Billy G   2010-12-10 13:36
Windows Display Properties - have not tried
Ultra-Mon yet, will try if it will help.
thanks fo rthe reply!

billy g
Christian Studer   2010-12-11 08:53
Should be worth a try, but you might have the same problem with UltraMon as well.

Christian Studer -
Billy G   2010-12-11 14:49
I am having the same problem with UltraMon
also - will un-install then re-install. I will
then try adding each monitor 1 at a time, hopefully this will work correctly.Thanks for
the reply.

billy g
Billy G   2010-12-11 14:51
Sorry - will un-install HP and Displaylink
software then use the windows new hardware wizard
find the displays one by one, hopefully, and then they might be in the right order.

billy g
ecarlson   2010-12-12 03:22
Did you drag the monitors into their correct positions in Windows Display Properties? The numerical order shouldn't matter.

- Eric,
Billy G   2010-12-13 14:13
Thanks Chris and Eric;
I have tried this but it did not work. I have
tried the UltraMon software and it has the
same issues. Stuck! Eric see the first post
for the problem with the placement.

billy g
Christian Studer   2010-12-14 08:48
If you can't change the position of the monitors at all, my guess would be an issue with the driver for the USB video cards.

Christian Studer -
Billy G   2010-12-14 13:29
Un-installed and then let windows new hardware
wizard find each adaptor. They all came up as
the same monitor number. I would like it to
work, and HP support was not able to help.

billy g
ecarlson   2010-12-15 15:52
Can't you just re-plug the monitors into the correct video outputs (don't change USB ports) so they are in the right positions?

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 6 monitors - wrong positions

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