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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> WIndows 7 RDP with three monitors
GaryT   2010-12-15 09:45
When I connect remotely to my Windows 7 machine (three monitors) I only see the middle monitor.
This is just fine, but if I have a window opened on another monitor I can't see it. Is there anyway to force every window to open on the center monitor? Or ... to move a window you can't see?

ecarlson   2010-12-15 15:32
With Remote Desktop, you're not really seeing your "remote monitors" (unlike some other remote apps). You're seeing a new virtual desktop, which has its own size. But you probably don't really care about that technical detail.

To move an application window into the visible display area or your remote session, use the standard Move Window function of Windows along with your arrow keys to move the window into view. If you're connecting from a Windows 7 machine, then just SHIFT+Right-Click on the taskbar item for that app, and then click Move, then use your arrow keys to move the app into view. If your connecting from XP, then you right-click without holding SHIFT.

You can also Google for a few other ways to activate Windows' Move Window feature.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> WIndows 7 RDP with three monitors

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