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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Wallpaper: Fill style
cyrill   2010-12-25 03:16
I have seen that you consider adding automatic wallpaper changing into Ultramon.

Hopefully you can also add an additional "Style" to the wallpaper profiles. In Windows 7 it's called Fill and essentially is a "Stretch proportional" but such that the entire display is covered, clipping of the overlapping parts.

Merry Christmas
Christian Studer   2010-12-25 08:23
Thanks for the suggestion, will be considered for a later release.

Merry Christmas to you too,

Christian Studer -
Derek   2012-02-15 01:59
Is there any chance of this happening any time soon? This would be great.
Christian Studer   2012-02-15 08:37
Can't tell you anything specific as I haven't looked into this yet.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Wallpaper: Fill style

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