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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> One card, Two DVI to 2 monitors and an HDTV?
Chris   2011-01-03 18:28
Haven't been able to figure this one out. I have a Win7 machine with a PNY GTX275 with two DVI outs and I want to be able to use both my Dell 2405FPW monitors and my 47" Vizio HDTV. Currently I just crawl underneath my desk and switch one DVI out to my TV and then if I want to have two monitor views I crawl under again and plug it in that way.

There must be a better way. I bought a DVI Splitter thinking that would work but apparently I don't know enough about HDCP. It doesn't work that way.

Any suggestions?
Chris   2011-01-04 20:21
Decided to take an Nvidia 8600GT out of my old computer and put that in my new computer along with the GTX275. That fixed the problem. Wish I had a better card for games but that works on my HDTV fine.
ecarlson   2011-01-05 12:40
That is a good solution. Thanks for letting us know that it worked.

- Eric
Logman   2011-01-06 12:35
I did this yesterday - I had two Acers (24 and 22) and bought a 57" that came with a free 22". I wanted the lot on my PC - small TV above monitors, big TV in the same room for movies.

Thought I'd post as it was a bummer finding the info.

I got a PCI 8400GS nvidia to go with my 8600gt as I only had one PCI-E card slot. Handled the big tv's easily running a DVI to HDMI cord to the big tv and a DVI to DVI to the smaller TV. For audio, the 22 TV is on my desk so the PC speakers were fine for that, DVI or VGA cord was all that was required - I then put a 3.5 splitter in the PC speaker hole, ran one of those to my PC speakers and for the other, a cord that split to left/right. The left/right went to the auxiliary in my home theater. To watch the big TV I select the HDMI on the TV and AUX for audio on the home theater. You can also run a single 3.5 to the hole on the TV.

A set of speakers for the PC with on/off is desirable so that if the home theater is running you can turn the PC sound off.

With Windows 7, no adjustments necessary.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> One card, Two DVI to 2 monitors and an HDTV?

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