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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Switch to secondary when first is turned off, TV and Reciever
Will   2011-01-09 11:37
I've had my HTPC set up for over a year now and it's been great. Lately I had an issue arise and can't figure out what caused it.

I was using UltraMon to control a VGA lCD monitor as a secondary. Normally only my HDMI TV is used as a monitor, it passes through the Audio Video Receiver to the PC.

When my TV is shut off, the LCD monitor would automatically enable as the primary.
When my TV is switched back on, the LCD monitor disables and desktop moves back to TV.
This worked great, but now UltraMon sees the Av reciever as the primary.
Turning the TV off doesn't enable the secondary any more. Now I have to turn off the av Receiver for the monitor to activate.

I'm not sure what I did to cause this as I did install a video player software and added a codec pack to windows.

How can I get UltraMon to recognize the TV is off with the receiver still on, like it used to?

Thanks, Will
Christian Studer   2011-01-10 11:54
Did you update display drivers or change any driver settings? I'm not sure what else might have caused the change in behavior.

As a workaround, you could set up display profiles to switch between monitor or TV only, or you could use the ToggleSingleMon script.

Christian Studer -
Will   2011-04-01 09:11
Hi Christian, Thanks for advise. I just got around to trying this, It works except that it changes the resolution when I switch back to the TV from the monitor. Any idea how to stop this?

Thanks, Will
Christian Studer   2011-04-01 12:33
I would recommend using two display profiles instead, that will fix the problem as each profile has specific settings stored.

The script will use the settings returned by the operating system for the disabled monitor, but on Windows 7 those aren't always the last used settings.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Switch to secondary when first is turned off, TV and Reciever

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