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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Enabling\Disabling THIRD Monitor HOTKEY
kdawg   2011-01-13 16:04
I was wondering you any of you guys know how to enable and disable a THIRD monitor with a hotkey. UltraMon has a hotkey to do that for the secondary monitor but not one just for enabling or disabling the third display.

I have Windows 7 - Two 22 inch monitors are sometimes use my 46 inch Samsung. Thanks!

Christian Studer   2011-01-14 08:52
I would recommend setting up a display profile via UltraMon menu > Display Profiles, you can then create a new 'Apply display profile' hotkey to apply the profile via hotkey.

Alternatively you could use one of the DisableEnableMonitor scripts to enable/disable a specific monitor.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Enabling\Disabling THIRD Monitor HOTKEY

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