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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Spurious second monitor after adding graphics card
Lawrence G. Mayka   2002-02-03 09:20
I added an Xstasy GeForce2 MX200 PCI card to an HP Pavilion 6640C computer running Win98SE with SiS 530 motherboard graphics. I did not explicitly disable the motherboard graphics because the jumper is absurdly inaccessible. I connected the lone monitor, of course, to the new card.

While booting, DOS comes up on the new card, so the hardware and BIOS clearly treat the new card as primary. Win98SE comes up on the new card as well, but...

Initially, Display Properties showed 3 displays: 1 on the old SiS 530, and 2 on the GeForce2. I went into Device Manager and disabled the SiS 530. I rebooted (possibly with a crash or hang, I don't remember), and Win98SE came up with the SiS 530 correctly disabled. However, 2 monitors were still present in Device Manager, and Display Properties indicated that both were connected to the GeForce2. I tried Flight Simulator 2000, and it was suspiciously slow, so I disabled the second, spurious monitor. I rebooted (again, possibly with a crash or hang) and the spurious monitor is now correctly disabled. FS2K and other games now run just as fast as expected (in comparison to similarly configured systems).

The problem: I suspect that Win98SE is going to crash from now on every time I try to shut it down. Is there some other configuration change I've missed? Keep in mind that the hardware and BIOS apparently understood correctly and exactly what I wanted; only Win98SE is apparently confused.
Christian Studer   2002-02-09 03:42
There seems to be a bug in the Nvidia drivers for Win9x which causes all GeForce2 MX cards to be recognized as TwinView cards, even if they only support a single monitor. As far as I know there is no workaround.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Spurious second monitor after adding graphics card

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