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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Monitors position after turning them off
Briareos Kerensky   2011-01-27 19:47
I have two Dell monitors (2408WFP and U2410) hooked up to a Radeon HD4870; OS is Windows Vista.
The U2410 is the primary monitor (identified as number 2) on Display port; the 2408 is the secondary monitor on DVI and is positioned on the left on my desk.
Whenever I turn one of the monitors or change its source Windows thinks that the monitor has been unplugged and moves the desktop to the other monitor; when I turn the monitors back on Windows correctly places everything on the correct monitor and thus far, no problems.

However Windows places the secondary monitor on the right of the primary, meaning that I have to open Windows' or Ultramon's screen properties to move the secondary monitor on the left side of the primary monitor.

I cannot phisically move the monitors to match Windows' standard multi-monitor layout, is there a way to have monitors' positions as they were before turning them off?
I thought to identify the U2410 as the secondary monitor and move the taskbar (with the start button and everything) on it, but I don't know if this is possible.
Any suggestions?
Christian Studer   2011-01-28 07:03
You could use an UltraMon display profile to quickly restore the original monitor layout, to set this up select Display Profiles from the UltraMon menu.

Changing the primary monitor should be no problem, but it's possible that Vista will move the main taskbar back to the current primary monitor under some circumstances.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Monitors position after turning them off

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