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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Changing monitor ID in UltraMon does not change Windows monitor ID
Alexis   2011-02-03 01:49
I am trying to change the monitor IDs in Windows so the card output numbering matches the monitor IDs. I can do it in UltraMon however, it does not change the Windows Display numbering (which is what I use in my application to identify monitors). Am I missing something? Do I need to reboot for the re-numbering to change in Windows Display Settings?
Christian Studer   2011-02-03 08:13
This only changes numbering for UltraMon, as far as I know there's no way to change the numbering used by Windows (except connecting monitors to different video card ports).

Christian Studer -
Christian Studer   2011-02-03 08:14
BTW, will your application always run on a system which has UltraMon installed? If yes, you could use the UltraMon COM components for monitor enumeration from your application, this way you would be able to use the same numbering as UltraMon.

Christian Studer -
Alexis   2011-02-03 11:41
Thanks for the response! No our software will not run on a system with UltraMon installed, but it is good to know UltraMon has a COM interface. Do you know of any way to change the monitor identification in Windows?
Alexis   2011-02-03 11:43
Sorry posted too fast and didn't read the part where you said you didn't know of a way to change monitor ID other than swapping the monitor cables. Thanks for your help!
Tony   2012-02-10 08:31
The problem is that windows has somehow permanently associated port 2 on my laptop docking station as the monitor #1. So my secondary monitor is being used for startup/bios, etc. It's infuriating. I want both hardware and software to treat port 1 as monitor 1.

I've tried disconnecting and just using the port 1 for a while on a single monitor, then plugging in the secondary afterward, but as soon as I do so, it changes my "primary" monitor number to #2 again. I want to throttle someone!

If there were any way to tell have WINDOWS recognize a monitor number change, we would be most grateful.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Changing monitor ID in UltraMon does not change Windows monitor ID

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