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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Feature Request: Reorder taskbar
Robin   2011-02-07 17:30
Like the main windows 7 taskbar I'd like to be able to reorder the windows.
Christian Studer   2011-02-08 08:42
Thanks for your suggestion, will be considered for a future release.

Christian Studer -
Zach   2011-10-18 14:23
I second this. I would like to be able re-order icons on the secondary taskbars like I can on the primary. Also, I would like to have jumplist support. Sufficient base functionality and API access to enable 3rd-party utilities like Bins to work on all monitors would be the ideal.
Steve   2012-04-19 11:34
Yes, reordering and jumplists on secondary taskbars would be an awesome improvement.
Ken   2012-05-06 10:52
Yes, I would also like to cast my vote for this feature request
David   2012-05-17 11:52

Ultramon needs to incorporate Taskbar Shuffle functionality.

I've been using Taskbar Shuffle on WinXP 32-bit SP3 and UM 3.1.0 and it works great.

At home I recently upgraded to Win7 64-bit but I haven't gotten Taskbar Shuffle to work. (TB's website clearly says YMMV regarding Win7)

But TB has a 32-bit and 64-bit versions, and I'm not sure which TB version I tested with.

Anyways, I totally concur: would like to see UM be able to rearrange the taskbar buttons on the Smart Taskbars, ala Taskbar Shuffle.
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Feature Request: Reorder taskbar

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