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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Controlling multiple monitors from a single monitor
aneeth   2011-02-09 18:48

I have a PC running vista with 8 monitor outputs. 6 of them (P1-P6 say for clarity) are connected to 6 different projectors and 1 (C1 say for clarity) is connected to the screen infront of the PC. This setup is used for demonstrations

On a typical demontration session the 6 projectors would be showing 6 differnt applications, all of which would require my interaction

The problem I am facing is that the projector screens are so far apart that some of the projector screens are not visible for me from where I stand, so interacting with an application showing on those projectors is almost impossible

The solution i managed to find was to run 6 instances of mirrormon on display 1 mirroring monitors 1 to 6 respectively. However, I still need to switch back and forth from C1 to the respective monitor as I cannot directly interact with the application window from mirrormon.

Is there any other solution to this, one where all I need to focus is on the display C1
Christian Studer   2011-02-10 07:52
One thing you could do is use a hotkey/script to move the mouse to a specific monitor, if you're interested in this let me know and I'll upload a script which does this.

Christian Studer -
aneeth   2011-02-14 20:25
ya. that would be great.
thanks alot
Christian Studer   2011-02-15 23:01
I have uploaded a script which does this: MoveMouse

Christian Studer -
aneeth   2011-02-16 12:46
got it. thanks
aneeth   2011-02-16 18:53
is there anyway i could use hotkeys to launch mirrormon's mirroring a particular monitor?
Christian Studer   2011-02-17 08:44
To set this up, create a new 'Run application or script' hotkey via UltraMon Options > Hotkeys, then enter a command like this in the application field:

"C:\Temp\MirrorMon.exe" /s 3 2

This will start a MirrorMon instance which mirrors monitor 2.

Please note that you'll need version 2.4.0 or later of MirrorMon for this to work. For more on available command line options, see the Readme.txt file included with MirrorMon.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Controlling multiple monitors from a single monitor

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