John Fongheiser 2011-02-10 08:39
I have not been able to get any settings to work under the Window tab of a shortcut Properties. I'm trying to use custom settings/Maximized to desktop. But none of the settings appear to work. It won't work when I edit the shortcut properties under Windows, or when I use the Ultramon Shortcut directly.
Windows 7 64-bit, Nvidia GeForce card.
Christian Studer 2011-02-11 08:00
What's the application you're trying to maximize to the desktop?
Christian Studer -
John Fongheiser 2011-02-11 08:13
At first I tried my actual custom exe application. When it didn't work I tried explorer.exe and notepad.exe. No joy.
(My video card is Nvidia GTX470.)
Christian Studer 2011-02-11 08:27
Notepad works fine for me on 64-bit Windows 7, do you get any errors when launching the customized shortcut, or does Notepad just not get maximized to the desktop?
Christian Studer -
John Fongheiser 2011-02-11 14:07
The window opens to its last size and position, and the cursor shows an hourglass for about 5 seconds, and then goes to the regular cursor. Nothing else happens. If I would open the regular program (not using the shortcut) everything is the same except no hourglass. It doesn't matter which window setting I use.
Christian Studer 2011-02-12 12:20
I'm not sure what might cause this, could you send me the .umshortcut file for Notepad to
Christian Studer -
Rockney 2011-03-03 04:55
I too am having troubles with the UltraMon - Window tab of shortcut properties on Windows 7.
This development laptop is Windows 7 Home Edition 32-bit with an additional external monitor.
I've appled properties to multiple Windows Explorer shortcuts that each have a different directory location coded in the target, e.g. "%windir%\explorer.exe .e,C:\svn_root"
However it seems Windows 7 overrides UltraMon's placement efforts in all cases.
In addition - I've tried placing those shortcuts into the Windows 7 gadget "App Launcher v3" and it doesn't work that way either.
I would like to be able to have different shortcuts that go to the 3-4 different directories that are used most often, and be able to place those windows at specific screen locations.
Christian Studer 2011-03-03 12:19
Unfortunately UltraMon can't position Windows Explorer windows, this is due to the way Explorer handles multiple instances. Currently there is no fix for this.
Christian Studer -