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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Move all open windows to other monitor
Kevin   2011-02-11 04:02
I have a sitting desk and standing desk setup at work. Each desk has a monitor, but they are of different sizes and resolutions. I was hoping to simply clone the view onto both screens, but the different resolutions make this problematic. The UM Mirroring option ends up makes the computer drag and ends up being letterboxed in the smaller monitor, so I find this unhelpful.

I was wondering if there is a way to move all open windows on one screen to the other screen. So if I am working on screen 1 and want to move to screen 2, I click one button and it moves all my screen 1 windows to screen 2. Is this possible? Is there a better alternative to what I am looking for?


Christian Studer   2011-02-11 08:09
It would be possible to do this with a custom script, you could then run the script via hotkey or by double-clicking the script. Let me know if you're interested in this.

Christian Studer -
Hans   2011-02-26 21:52
I would be interested in such a script!

So basically via a hotkey, it can move every open window on screen 1 to screen 2 or 3?
Christian Studer   2011-02-27 09:54
I have uploaded a script which does this: MoveAppsToMonX

Christian Studer -
Josh   2011-03-26 05:28
Very nice. I've noticed in Windows 7 that after using the script all of the icons in the task bar are "orange" to indicate notification. Is there any way to update the script, so that the Windows aren't alerting in the taskbar or have the script cycle through the windows to clear the notification?
Christian Studer   2011-03-26 09:16
So far I haven't been able to reproduce this on Windows 7, have you noticed anything which seems to cause the issue (having a specific application running, etc)?

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Move all open windows to other monitor

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