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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Change program location between 4 different monitors!
Hans   2011-02-12 00:06

I have 2 gfx cards and 4 monitors actively connected.

I only use 3 screens. The 4'th screen is a tv i only use when i want to use tv-out.

However something annoys me very very much.
Sometimes when i start a program(word,notepad, chrome etc..) it starts on my tv.

So I have to turn on my TV to move the windows back to one of my 3 main monitors.

- How do i prevent any program from opening on the tv monitor?
- If not possible, how can i move a program from the tv monitor to one of the other monitors without turning on the TV?
Christian Studer   2011-02-12 12:29
Make sure the TV is also disabled in Display Properties.

If you still get the issue (this can happen with some applications), you could use UltraMon and the MoveOffscreenAppsToPrimary script to move the application back to the primary monitor.

Christian Studer -
Hans   2011-02-12 19:10
Thanks for the answer sir.

The main problem is that i DONT want to disable the TV. I want the output signal to be availble at all times!

I dont want to constantly turn on and off the TV when i want to use it.
Hans   2011-02-12 23:18
Furthermore the script does'nt really seem to work for me!
Christian Studer   2011-02-13 09:11
The script won't work if the TV is enabled.

Why not set up display profiles to enable/disable the TV, this way you can enable/disable it with a single click. I don't think there's another way to do what you want.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Change program location between 4 different monitors!

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