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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Second monitor won't go full screen
Connie McBride   2011-02-19 05:11
Mobo : Asus m4a78T-E
Operating system : windows Server 2008

I got a system with a wide screen (21 inch) monitor.
all was well.
Several months later, I added a second wide screen (26 inch).

I have been trying to resolve this issue ever since...

on my 26 inch monitor, I have 'borders' on both sides of the desktop.
Further, I can't make the 26 inch monitor 'primary' in the bios.

I have tried everything I can think of, including
disconnecting the 21 inch monitor altogether, and rebooting. (asus startup only flashes on the 26 inch monitor, where, if the 21 inch is plugged in, it shows on that one)

I have tried using catalyst drivers (nope, didn't work on my desktop issue)
I have installed ultramon, (nope, still the borders on the 26 inch, which I've told windows is my primary monitor)

I am not using an additional video card, just the one on the motherboard.

anyone have any ideas?
ecarlson   2011-02-19 06:08
Sounds like you have the video output for the second monitor set to the incorrect resolution. It should be set to match the native resolution of the monitor, which is most commonly 1920x1080 nowadays, unless you went to special effort to get a higher res monitor. And it probably needs a 60.hz refresh rate.

- Eric
Connie McBride   2011-02-25 02:25
there is no video card, it's only using the embedded graphics card (ati radeon HD 3300)
The resolution is at 1920 X 1080 on both monitors and the refresh rate is set at 60 for the smaller one, and 59 at the larger one (for yet some other weird and unknown reason, larger one's refresh rate won't go to 60).

I have a XP and a Windows 7 system that use the monitor through the kvm box, they are not having this issue, only the window 2008 server system.

I haven't changed anything on purpose to change any of my graphics settings, it's been like this since the moment I added the monitor to the system.
Chris   2011-03-07 15:57
Since you're using a ATI based video chip, try this.

Open CCC (catalyst control center) and check for a setting usually under "Configuration" called "Scaling" and make sure it's scaled to 100%. This is a known issue with some 1920x1080 monitors (I have this problem myself on my 32 inch Westinghouse 1080p TV's when running on HDMI or DVI). See if that helps you at all. I wish you luck!

- Chris
"The little woman won't let me have any more monitors. Sigh."
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Second monitor won't go full screen

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