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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Stretch Wallpaper accross 2 monitors
portly   2011-03-18 02:48
Running Windows 7 (new for me) with two HP Compaq LA2205wg monitors. Res is showing at 1680x1050 for both. Want to display a "dual monitor" wallpaper. Display settings are at "Stretch". Downloading various dual monitor wallpapers from DB...none seem to want to stretch properly accross the two screens?? Settings or configuration advice, anyone??
Christian Studer   2011-03-18 09:27
Try Tile, that should fix the problem.

Christian Studer -
portly   2011-04-08 01:22
Thanks, Chrstian, that did the trick...also figured out that i needed the 3360x1050 version of the wallpaper to get it to display accross the two (1680x1050) monitors...d'uh!
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Stretch Wallpaper accross 2 monitors

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