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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> booting up progs to a specific card
unjulation   2002-02-05 22:18
hi i'm runing win2k with a asus gf3 v8200 dulux and a matrox pci card i whant to run "resolume" a dual monitor avi mixer and projection software, i need to boot the program useing my pci card and put the finel output through my agp card but no mater what i do in propites secondery/primery monitor etc it still boots up with my agp card is ther anything i can do that can change this? am i being stupid and mising something realy obvious i am useing ultramon but i still carnt sus it please help
Christian Studer   2002-02-09 03:34
You should be able to do this with UltraMon, using a shortcut that moves the application to the secondary monitor.

If this doesn't work, please contact, it may be possible to do this using a custom UltraMon script.

Christian Studer -
unjulation   2002-02-15 22:41
chears worked a treat :)
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> booting up progs to a specific card

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