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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 4 Monitors I would like to open IE maximised with a different website on each
ryan   2011-04-01 00:46

Looking for a VBS script to open a single website in IE, fullscreen on each monitor. I would like to specify a website for each monitor.

Please could you help with a script.

Anybody with the time to help out would be a legend.

Christian Studer   2011-04-01 12:30
If you have UltraMon installed, you could do this with one of the MultiBrowser scripts.

Christian Studer -
joachim   2011-09-28 18:47
i use multibrowser script....but full screen on the second monitor does not works only on the first monitor...i have modified something...i will first monitor normal, second full screen...verry thanks for help


monitors = Array(1, 2) 'ids of the monitors on which an IE instance should be created
Const INTERVAL = 0 'number of seconds between site changes, set to zero if sites shouldn't be changed

Set sys = CreateObject("UltraMon.System")

ReDim browsers(UBound(monitors))

Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
Set mon = sys.Monitors(CLng(1))

ie.Visible = True
ie.FullScreen = false
ie.Left = mon.Left
ie.Top = mon.Top
ie.Width = mon.Width
ie.Height = mon.Height
ie.Navigate ("http://yy.aspx")

ReDim browsers(UBound(monitors))
Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
Set mon = sys.Monitors(CLng(2))

ie.Visible = True
ie.FullScreen = false
ie.Left = mon.Left
ie.Top = mon.Top
ie.Width = mon.Width
ie.Height = mon.Height
ie.Navigate ("http://xx.aspx")
Christian Studer   2011-09-29 10:25
Fullscreen on all monitors works fine for me with the MultiBrowser3 script, what happens if you run the original MultiBrowser3 script on your system?

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 4 Monitors I would like to open IE maximised with a different website on each

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