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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 'Secondary' monitor 7" touchscreen in HTPC, best use ?
CraigB   2011-04-02 05:48
I'm not currently an UltraMon customer...but think it could solve my challenges!

I have a HTPC with a 7" touchscreen built into the case and also connected via DVI to a 46" LCD TV. I am running Windows 7 (64bit) and want to make the most of my setup.

I see two options:
- make 7" monitor the primary and run Media Center in that screen utilising touch. BUT can UltraMon then direct all new windows to open on the Secondary monitor (TV) ? I'd ideally want it to do this for all applications by default rather than having to name them all

- have my system somehow detect which screen is turned on and automatically switch everything (active windows etc.) to that screen and make it primary

The 7" screen is normally going to be switched would be switched on (PC is usually on 24/7) if I want to just use the HTPC to play music via my Hifi. In this case the TV would be off. The main TV is used when using it as a 'normal' PC or for watching any video in MCE or with another media player

Thanks in advance for any advice

Christian Studer   2011-04-02 12:41
Would you only ever use a single monitor at a time? If yes, you could easily switch between the two monitors via UltraMon display profiles.

UltraMon doesn't support opening all newly launched applications on a specific monitor.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 'Secondary' monitor 7" touchscreen in HTPC, best use ?

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