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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Atypic video wall
Sandra   2011-04-08 06:07

I need to make an installation of 2 video walls.

First video wall: 5x42" monitors placed horizontally in a row- in a panoramatic view.

Second video wall: 3x2 42" monitors

Every wall will be controlled by PC (i7, RAM 8GB, HD 5870 EYEFINITY 6) and play only one looped video.

I would like to buy and use this Ultramon SW for every PC (2x). Is it possible to set these atypic video walls in Ultramon?

Thanks very much for advice

Christian Studer   2011-04-08 08:41
UltraMon has no special support for this, but might be able to help with application positioning.

Would you want to play the same video on each monitor, or stretch a single video across all monitors?

Christian Studer -
Sandra   2011-04-08 21:14
Thanks for answer.

I want to stretch a single video (one for every wall) across all monitors. The animation will be made exactly for these walls, so the resolution will be:

first wall: 5120x768px
second wall: 1024x2304px
(for every single monitor I count 1024x768px even if monitors can do full HD resolution - this is for not burdening the PC)


Christian Studer   2011-04-09 08:36
You should be able to stretch the video player window across all monitors manually or via UltraMon, I'm not sure though how good performance will be. VLC might also be worth a try, as far as I know it has quite good multi-monitor support.

Christian Studer -
ecarlson   2011-04-09 11:47
I assume they are all 16:9 monitors, so if you are going to use a lower resolution for each one, you still need to calculate at a 16:9 ratio if you want your image to fit correctly without distortion of the aspect ratio.

If all your panels are 1920×1080, then you might want to reduce your target to half that for each monitor so each pixel in your image will map evenly to 4 (2x2) screen pixels. So that would be 960x540 per monitor.

The 1024x768 you listed is 4:3 (16:12) ratio, which will not translate well to a 16:9 monitor.

- Eric
ecarlson   2011-04-09 11:56
Of course, if that non-common reduced size won't work, then use a different standard 16:9 size, like 1280x720 (aka 720p) which the monitors and video cards should support easily.

- Eric
Sandra   2011-04-10 00:23
My mistake with the resolution, of course its 16:9 not 4:3.

Many thanks for your advices:)

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Atypic video wall

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