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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> How many monitors can UltraMon handle for one system?
Chad   2011-04-09 04:49
This is more of a curiosity question than anything, but, now many monitors can UltraMon handle for one system. And what hardware would be needed to support a large number of display screens. I am considering building a system to handle eight or more displays. Any help with what would be required would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Christian Studer   2011-04-09 08:31
UltraMon itself has no upper limit, but this is handled by the operating system, and Windows officially only supports 10 monitors. You can use more, up to 16 usually seems to work fine, but your video card drivers need to support this as well.

Matrox has an 8-monitor video card, or you could install 2 quad cards, also see Installing an additional video card for more on this.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> How many monitors can UltraMon handle for one system?

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