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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Desktop Extend hotkey not functioning properly.
Andy   2011-04-20 09:08
I have a bit of a head scratcher... I hope someone may have an idea.

Running Windows 7 64bit home premium, with an ATI HD3450, I like to extend my desktop to my 50" LG Plasma from time to time.

I have everything setup just fine so that when I right click my desktop, choose "screen resolution", I can alternate back and forth etween "Extend These Displays", and "Show Destop only on 1".

Everything is beautiful... both displays are full screen, in their native resolutions etc.... HOWEVER. I would really like to have a shortcut to use this function.

After trying both Ultramon, and ATI's catalyst control center's built in profile, or hot-key options, the same "glitch" happens:

When switching to "Extended Desktop" mode, my TV display flicks on, but the entire desktop is shifted to the right probably 20% (so there's a black bar on the left side of my screen several inches big... the mouse won't go beyond that point either).

If I go into my TV's picture settings, to the area that lets me shift the image around, I can hit "Auto Config", and it fixes the problem completely,(although if I try and manually move it left, it won't go far enough).

So although the "Auto Config" setting of my TV fixes it easily... it's just strange to me that going through the display settings in Windows doesn't cause this problem. Yet two different short cut programs I've tried do the same thing. There's obviously an issue with the way they communicate with windows (and by extension, my TV) do activate these shortcuts.

I don't suppose anyone has a clue as to what might cause this, or if there might be a workaround?

Sorry for the long winded story, but I wanted to make sure I had all the details in there. Any insight would be appreciated.

Christian Studer   2011-04-21 08:16
Which version of UltraMon are you using?

I would also check if all settings are correct, including the refresh rate.

Christian Studer -
Andy   2011-04-21 09:09
Yeah, I've double checked everything many times... it's set to 60hz which should be right. Oh, and it's Ultramon 3.1.0 (trial).

I finally found the built in windows shortcut (Windows key + P) and the same thing happens. It's only when I manually go into the setting screen (via control panel, or right clicking the desktop) and pick "Extend" that it doesn't happen. It's very strange.

Between ATI control center, Ultramon and Windows shortcuts all doing the same thing, it just seems to be strange behavior with the way it "jumps" to the extended display via a shortcut.

My brother does a lot of AV stuff at his work, and he said it's totally normal to see the offset picture I'm experiencing... it's just that PC monitors generally automatically do their calibration and fix it. My TV's calibration also fixes it, it's just that it has to be done manually. He's surprised I DON'T see this problem when I switch back and forth manually.

Christian Studer   2011-04-22 07:56
Odd issue, let me know if you find out anything else. Haven't seen this myself so far with a Panasonic LCD TV connected via HDMI or VGA.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Desktop Extend hotkey not functioning properly.

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