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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Can't Corner Recycle Bin
Berlusconi   2011-05-01 06:42
Now this isn't a huge deal, but it's bothersome enough to make me disable my secondary display anytime it's not in use. (Generally I leave it on all the time)

I'm running an Acer Aspire Timeline 5810TZ and the secondary display is an Acer G215H.

The notebook runs at 1366x768 and the display runs at 1920x1080.

Here is a snippet of what I'm experiencing:

The recycle bin simply won't go into the corner unless I disconnect the secondary display.

This happens even with UltraMon disabled.

Now the secondary display is to the left of the notebook so it is configured that way. When I set it as extended to the right of the display I do not have this issue.

If anyone has this issue or knows of a fix I would greatly appreciate it. All research has done me no good so far.

Thanks a lot!
john   2011-06-03 11:48
if you go into windows screen resolution and align
both monitors bottom edges .
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Can't Corner Recycle Bin

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